Let's Talk ERP

Monthly Video Webinar Series with Thought Leaders and Influencers

How to create a digital transformation plan

​In one of our previous blog posts, we talked about the benefits of digital transformation for your business – and how inevitable digitalization is. A study conducted by Tech Pro in 2018 concluded that 70% of organizations either have a digital transformation plan in practice or are working on one.It is clear that digitalization is a big part of ou...
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You shouldn’t be afraid of the Cloud – here is why:

​It isn't unusual for users to mistrust the cloud; with the number of data breaches that make it to the news, it makes sense why so many people are afraid of trusting the cloud to gather their personal information – and it isn't different for businesses. The truth is that most cloud systems are built to ensure the safety of your data. Security...
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What is Industry 4.0 and why does it matter?

​In the midst of significant transformation in the way we produce products and connect with consumers, we hear a lot about Industry 4.0 – that is because digitalization has become an essential part of our daily lives. But what exactly is Industry 4.0, and why does it matter? The fourth revolution Industry 4.0 represents the fourth revolution that h...
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How to Promote Strategic Sustainability

We have talked about sustainability in the past, and that is because sustainability has become one of the most important topics of our century. Embracing sustainability has become a strategic imperative, and it is no longer something that can be pushed down on an organization's priority list. Many consumers are constantly demanding action to be tak...
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How to Stop Putting your Data at Risk without realizing it

​We never think our organization is at risk of data breaches until we find ourselves in a crisis situation. As for any risk management strategy, it is important to ensure that you are preventing your business and your personal life from being the victim of a cyber-attack. Many times, users aren't even aware they have made a mistake that could cause...
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5 Tips on Managing Business Communication

​Communication is essential in any area of life. Before technology advances, communication practices relied on face-to-face interactions; however, you no longer need to be physically close to an individual in order to communicate with them. Advances in technologies allows us to communicate with multiple people within seconds – either via email, tex...
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Everything you Need to Know about Blockchain Technology

It is likely that you think of bitcoin whenever you hear the term "blockchain," and that is because bitcoin is based on a distributed ledger, more specifically, a blockchain. Bitcoin's ledger was the first blockchain ever created; however, the technology has begun to grow outside of bitcoin, and it has spread across the global economy....
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The Importance of Food Traceability in the Supply Chain

​In our first blog post, we talked about traceability – the ability to track any kind of processing, one step backward and one step forward, at any stage of production, processing and distribution. Although traceability can apply to areas such as automotive and pharmaceuticals, we will focus on the importance of traceability systems in the food and...
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Change Management and ERP – how are they connected, and why does it matter?

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about change management in the media, and within businesses. For every circumstance in life, changes are inevitable, and it wouldn't be different within a company. Whether it is governmental or technological, it is important to keep up with these changes in order to continuously grow your business...
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How Digital Transformation can Benefit your Business

We often hear a lot of different things about digital transformation. It is inevitable that with the advances in the technological world will come changes and the need for adaptations. Often times, business owners are uncertain of the need digitalize their company – it is scary, especially when you don't fully understand what this mean...
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How to Mitigate Risks in the Supply Chain

​A detailed Risk Management Plan has always been a top priority for successful organizations. There are multiple factors that can affect your business, especially in the supply chain. A study conducted by the Business Continuity Institute concluded that, in 2015, supply chain disruption doubled in priority when compared to other enterprise disrupti...
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Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: How are they Connected?

As you've seen in our previous blog post, we discussed the difference between 'artificial intelligence' and 'machine learning.' Yet, another buzz word we often hear is 'Big Data.' So, what is the difference between 'artificial intelligence' and 'Big Data,' how are they interconnected, and are they even comparable? Let's find out. First...
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Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence — What’s the Difference?

We've heard the buzz words 'machine learning' and 'artificial intelligence' numerous times in the past couple of years. But, what exactly do they mean? They are often used interchangeably—but, are they actually interchangeable, or is there a misunderstanding of the distinction? These days, artificial intelligence (AI) is all around us....
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5 Reasons to Add Cycle Counting to your SYSPRO Physical Inventory Counts—Advantage Plus: Advanced Cycle Count by Phoenix Systems

In comparison to having to perform a yearly physical count, cycle counting undoubtedly improves operational efficiency. Here are 5 reasons to upgrade to Advantage Plus: Advanced Cycle Count for SYSPRO, exclusively from Phoenix Systems.1. Improves Efficiency: Cycle counting ensures that all items are counted for at an appropriate f...
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Counting Your Inventory: Physical Counts vs. Cycle Counts—What’s the Difference?

If your organization has to maintain inventory, you likely use either physical counts or cycle counts to do so. Physical inventory counts are typically done once a year and often require organizations to shut down while a full inventory count is done. This process is quite labour-intensive and time consuming. If you are a smaller organ...
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What is Sustainability and Why Does it Matter?

We've heard the term "sustainability" more than ever in the last few years with a prediction from Steven Hawking in 2017 saying we only have 100 years left on Earth. Why does this matter and what does it have to do with your business? As we mentioned in our previous blog post, we, at Phoenix Systems, have made some sustainable changes ...
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4 Ways Phoenix Systems is a Sustainable Office

With the growing—and critical—concern for sustainability to preserve our planet Earth, we, at Phoenix Systems, know how important it is for businesses to follow suit. When we look at our business practices, we take pride in our environmental sustainability. After all, we must work together to sustain a thriving world. Here are some of ...
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Top 5 Benefits Unified Communications Can Offer your Business

​More and more organizations are beginning to recognize the benefits of Unified Communications (UC) and are seeing the clear returns on investment. UC is a group of technologies that encompass Voice, Video and Data that provides a consistent user interface and user experience across a variety of devices. UC takes the communication methods your busi...
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What is VOIP and Why Does it Matter?

VoIP, Voice Over Internet Protocol, or more commonly known as phone service over the Internet, allows you to make phone calls without using a landline. This technology has been around since the mid 1990s. It is used by 30 per cent of businesses and in many of the apps we use today. It offers a new level of convenience, ultimately allow...
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5 Problems You Can Fix with Dash DDX's Document Management System

​Does your business face daily problems concerning company document management like the ones listed below?1. Lack of storage space: Are you running out of space for your paper files? You have to keep stored documents for at least seven years, but what if you don't have space for them? You can put them in the basement or in storage, but what if...
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