Let's Talk ERP

Monthly Video Webinar Series with Thought Leaders and Influencers

You shouldn’t be afraid of the Cloud – here is why:

It isn't unusual for users to mistrust the cloud; with the number of data breaches that make it to the news, it makes sense why so many people are afraid of trusting the cloud to gather their personal information – and it isn't different for businesses. 

The truth is that most cloud systems are built to ensure the safety of your data. Security breaches can happen the way that a burglary may happen to an individual – but, just as for home security, there are safety measures that a user, and an organization can take. For businesses, and especially smaller businesses, the cloud can offer major advantages. 

Often times, cloud-based software offers security features that an organization wouldn't be able to afford. Rather than storing information in one physical location, the cloud allows for the user to place information on several servers, in multiple locations – this way, if a server goes down, the information remains available. 

As for anything in life, precaution is necessary when navigating the cloud. We have talked about cyberattacks – and how to avoid them – in the past, but here are a few measures that you can take to ensure that your information is safe, and that you have peace of mind when it comes to the cloud:

Have a strong password

I am sure you are tired of hearing this advice; however, it is estimated that 81% of data breaches occur because of a weak or stolen password. Be sure that your password is at least 15 characters long and that you include numbers and special characters (when allowed).

Encrypt your Information

It is important that you implement encryption on the server side. This way, even if the cloud infrastructure were to be compromised, a hacker would only be able to access encrypted information.

Take advantage your Cloud

Many cloud services will offer additional security options to their users – make sure you leverage each one of them. Two-factor authentication (confirming the user's identity by generating a pre-determined question with something only they would know) can seem like a pain, but it could literally safe your organization from a security breach.

Start as soon as possible

Place security protocols while your infrastructure is still manageable – make sure data security is part of your strategic plan, and not an afterthought.

When used with precautions, it is more likely that organizations will thrive from the benefits that the cloud offer. As many advanced technologies, the cloud can be on your business' side.

At Phoenix Systems we care for your safety. We are also always looking into the new trends in digital transformation. We hope this information was helpful and if you have any other questions, feel free to email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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